
The most important thing for us is a satisfied customer, we do our work with great dedication, we regularly update our field-based knowledge and tools, we develop practical skills in cooperation with the best specialists in our field in Estonia and we apply professional innovative solutions.

In addition to all of the above, we also offer our customers a so-called "full service", which means that from cleaning and protection we also help with the purchase and sale of the customer's vehicle, we offer a commissioned sales service for used vehicles when purchasing a used vehicle.

We use the products and tools of the world's leading manufacturers in our field, adding knowledge and skills to it, giving the car owner the reassurance that his car has been taken care of in the best possible way.

For customers who regularly use the services of our car studio, including various surface and protection treatments, we offer another significant added value, namely, we also provide a guarantee for certain services.

In addition, it is always possible to make time for us and wait for the vehicle to be ready by spending time in our cozy customer room, where you can use the wifi network, watch TV or just enjoy a good coffee!

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