
Career counselling

Discover yourself and your potential!

Take part in career counselling if you want:

  • discover suitable job opportunities and think about your suitability for the job you want;
  • learn about your skills and knowledge to keep up with changes in the world of work;
  • consider the options for moving into learning and how to balance time between work and learning;
  • find new opportunities if, for whatever reason, you can no longer work in your old job;
  • set goals and an action plan to achieve your career dreams.

You can choose whether you want to talk to a career counsellor by phone or online. The online meeting will take place in a Microsoft Teams environment, and a camera and microphone are essential. Once you have registered, we will also send you an email notification. You can register up to one hour before the service starts.

If you cannot find a suitable time in the calendar to meet with a career counsellor, you can choose and book a suitable time in the e-Unemployment Insurance Fund environment

Customer feedback on the service

"I'm really happy because I imagined I was going to be a classic clerk, but it's like I've ended up with a psychologist. I left believing that we would find the best solution. The service was friendly, listened carefully, put her heart and soul into the matter, made a very professional impression, helped me to assess the situation objectively and gave good advice taking into account all the circumstances. She had a very good overview of the Estonian labour market, plus enough information on where & what kind of help to get, where to turn if the situation turned out to be difficult. Thank you very much for your important contribution!"

"It was a pleasant and inspiring conversation. It gave me ideas on how to broaden my options for applying for jobs. The career counsellor gave very professional advice and was a pleasant interlocutor for different professional ideas."

"Well, what was very good was the understanding attitude and the sincere interest in what would suit me. It was also good to be offered different ideas, and to broaden my horizons about the possibilities."

Contacts of organizer

Useful Information

Daily career information and ideas are provided by the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund's career web in minukarjää

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